Check out the latest blog entry on self-healing concrete on the Materials page!

About this blog...

When the words 'Climate Crisis' pop up in the news, it's only ever about the latest wildfire or deforestation project in the Amazon. With the way they frame the story, it seems like all hope is lost already.

This isn't true.

There are millions of people across the globe working as hard as they can to fix the climate problem. Thousands of solutions are being suggested, evaluated, and prototyped every year. And these start ups need our voices to speak up about them before they can be put in place properly.

The more demand companies see in green technology, the more they will invest. This means that the more we speak about our interest in the latest innovations, the more likely it is that they will be released sooner.

Our voices are so much more powerful than we realise, they are the critical piece to solving the climate crisis.

Let's paint our own picture of what our future should look like and shout about it from the rooftops.

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